In contextul unei polemizari asupra diferentelor dintre ortodoxie si catolicism, sau alte denominatiuni crestine, capitolul cinci aduce un clar atu celor din urma in ideea pastrarii valorilor crestine dincolo de rit. Iata ce spune acest capitol:
Share the wealth. One very good way to acknowledge how much you have is to share it. Do you feel like you're not making enough money? Give some away. Not enough love? Give some away. Not enough validation, appreciation, recognition? Give it all away.
Share the wealth. One very good way to acknowledge how much you have is to share it. Do you feel like you're not making enough money? Give some away. Not enough love? Give some away. Not enough validation, appreciation, recognition? Give it all away.
Insa, daca totul s-ar fi oprit aici totul ar fi fost perfect. Acelasi capitol continua asa:
The effect of this is twofold. First, it's hard for you to perceive that something is scarce when you're giving it away. Second, it's good karma. What goes around comes around. Whatever you want, if you give it away, there's a better chance that it'll come back to you somehow.
Ei bine, fiecare padure are uscaturile ei.
Dar nu este alegerea binelui de rau parte din viata de zi cu zi a fiecarui om pe lumea asta?
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